Teletherapy - How does it work?

Teletherapy is the online delivery of speech and swallowing services over a secure HIPAA compliant platform. Teletherapy has been thoroughly researched and clinically proven to be as effective as in-person treatments.


Teletherapy provides the speech pathologist with a glimpse into the patient’s real-world environment to achieve optimum outcomes.

What do you need to start teletherapy with SpeechRx?

  1. A computer with a camera, iPad or smart phone

  2. Internet access- preferably with a high-speech internet connection at home to avoid proper audio and video viewing

  3. A quiet environment in your home or office with your spouse or loved-one to assist, if needed

During the current COVID-19 pandemic, tele-practice and telemedicine has become ever so important to provide speech therapy for individuals within the safety of their homes.

What Can SpeechRx Teletherapy Provide?

Teletherapy with SpeechRx delivers high-level, evidence-based therapies over the computer. We welcome family and caregivers to join you on the virtual therapy sessions. For individuals who are unable to drive, this provides the most convenient, effective speech and swallowing therapy.